The club has resources available to its members, some of which are available right here, online.
Gary Lange, in one of our archived presentations
We have a large selection of past meeting presentations on video, all the way back to 1996! Most of the talks are available for streaming if you’re a GSAS member. If you prefer physical media, we have DVDs and Blu-Ray disks in our library.
We also have some publicly-viewable online videos on our Vimeo Page.
A Northwest Aquaria cover
Our newsletter, Northwest Aquaria has been coming out every month off and on since 1971. That’s a lot of back issues! Member have instant access to every back issue through our online archive. The general public can view a sample recent issue, and a a small subset of articles from the late 1990’s.
The GSAS library: books galore!
In addition to the aforementioned DVDs, the club library has books. Lots of books. Members are entitled to check them out at the meetings, bring them home and return them at a later meeting.
The club PAR meter in use
The club now owns a Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) meter, which is a great way of measuring how much light you really have in your tank. The PAR meter can be checked out by filling out a release form.
A collection of online vendor coupon codes available for the use of our members.
We occasionally make and sell club T-shirts. These are normally sold at our in-person meetings and auctions.